Rose Garcia Books

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Check Out This Awesome Dragon Anthology

Ever heard of Xchyler Publishing (XP)? If not, you're about to! They're a new independent publishing house focusing on Paranormal, Steampunk, Mystery, and Fantasy. I've been following them on twitter and this cool dragon anthology that they've just released caught my eye. 

Here's the gorgeous cover:

And here's the blurb:  

Forged in flame, wrought in blood, bone and steel, from the bowels of the earth and the inner most chambers of the heart, dragons arise. Fired by their passion, inspired by legend, six talented storytellers delve into realms of myth and fantasy as they explore what it means to be human.

First Flight by Samuel Mayo: Vanderson Egilhard yearns to fly, but when he discovers his father’s secret, the fate of his family and perhaps the world falls into his young hands.

A Dragon’s Honor by Brian Collier: When ancient alliances fail and friends stand alone to face certain doom, one dark secret and Calrym’s courage spell the utter destruction or dawning new age of two failing nations.

Birth Pains by Eric White: Bellalinde made a terrible sacrifice for love. Years later, her choice sends her and her granddaughter on a journey from which only one can return.

Golden Legacy by Jana Boskey: Hated, hunted, marked for extermination, when a young assassin hunts down Zachariah, he must decide which of them truly deserves to live.

Heart of Steel by Caitlin McColl: When murder steals his wife from Gideon Hendry, lust for revenge fires his passions. Only his fantastic creations know if he can escape his obsession before it seals his fate.

A Chink In The Armor by D. Robert Pease: Blessed by the gods, Job has never lost a battle. He has triumphed over every challenge from man and nature. Arrogant? Yes, but he's invincible. Or is he?


Doesn't it sound great? You can get the anthology over HERE at Amazon. You can also follow XP over HERE at twitter, or just click on their WEBSITE for more info.