Meet YA Paranormal Writer Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

Welcome to my author Meet and Greet, featuring YA paranormal writer, Jesse Kimmel-Freeman. She's super awesome. Enjoy!

Q. Tell me about the book you're promoting.

Well, how about I tell you what I'm working to finish? I'm almost done with my NaNo project, Network Deserted. Which is a YA book that follows 4 teens that are trying to escape the Network and ultimately end up on the side they were supposed to be fighting. And I'm trying to get the third book in my Bella Vampire Series, Bella Tristezza, finished. The first book is Bella Notte, which was my debut book. Here's the blurb for that one: Vampires? Check. Werewolves? Check. Death prophecy to hang over your head? Double check. Seventeen-year-old Emma Hutchinson struggles to find her place in the world she has been born to as she tries to decide whether she should be with Michael, the boy she has been dreaming about since she was three or if she belongs with Dominic, her betrothed.

Q. How did you come up with the idea for this book?

The NaNo project sprung up from something my husband told me to try and get my kick started on my NaNo writing, but it has nothing to do with what he originally told me. LOL. Isn't that the way it always works out? The Bella Vampires Series started because Bella Notte was the book I wanted to read at the time and there weren't any on the market like it yet.

Q. Do any of the characters symbolize something or someone in real life?

I think that the characters in most of my books are bits and pieces of the people I've come into contact with in real life. Those that truly made an impression. You know, for the better and worse. My best friends says that my main female characters usually have a lot of me in them- even if I don't see it.

Q. Who are your favorite authors?

Um, that's a hard one. I have a lot of favorite books, but not necessarily authors. Like I love He, She, and It, but I've never read any of her other works. 

Q. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one book, what would it be and why?

The Awakening by Kate Chopin! I feel kind of like the guy in Conspiracy Theory about that book. But I can't explain it. I have to have a copy of it. It was one of those books that seemed to cause an awakening within me as well.


Jesse now lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere. She moved from the chaos of Los Angeles. Yes, she misses it. It is not uncommon for her to be asked why she moved from such a busy place to the one horse town- the answer is simply to allow her kids to grow up with their grandparents.

Jesse has studied anthropology and used her “education” as an excuse to hang out with vampires- her masters' thesis was going to be modern vampire culture. They really do exist. Vampires have been her obsession since she was about five years old when she swears she was bitten by one.

She enjoys reading and writing. But most importantly being a crazy mom to her son, new daughter, and ever growing pet family. Singing silly songs at the top of her lungs and embarrassing her son is one of her favorite activities. She considers herself to be an odd duck.

Her books and her blog can be found at You can follow her on Twitter HERE, and on Facebook HERE.

And here are her book covers: