Rose Garcia Books

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I've been talking a lot about my new and exciting fae series, Fae Bloodlines, that I haven't mentioned the Final Life Series in a while! So let me fix that real quick because the series is SO special to me.

The Final Life Series is about a girl who's been tracked and hunted for lifetimes by a supernatural villain. Now, she's on her final soul life and it's up to her to unravel the mysteries of her past before her hunter finds her again.

It's the ultimate supernatural survival story!

The protagonist in Final Life is seventeen-year-old Dominique. When Dominique moves from Michigan to Texas, she meets Trent Avila, and Trent becomes a HUGELY important person in Dominque's life.

Now, back to Fae Bloodlines for a minute...the love interest in that series is Julio Avila, and Julio is Trent's cousin! So, as you can see, there's a lot of great character crossover in the Final Life Series and Fae Bloodlines!

The Avila family is AMAZING! Many of the family members are curanderas/curanderos, which are Hispanic healers with special psychic abilities. Trent has these special abilities, and so does Julio. And writing these amazing characters that represent a part of my heritage has been so fun!!

I'll be talking more about the Avila family in other posts, so stay tuned!

Check out each series here:

Fae Bloodlines:

Final Life: