Rose Garcia Books

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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month!

National Hispanic Heritage Month started September 15th and runs through October 15th. I appreciate having the spotlight on my richly diverse heritage, especially since it gives me a chance to talk about how I bring who I am into my books!

In the Final Life Series, you meet Trent Avila; and in the Fae Bloodlines Series, you meet Trent’s cousin, Julio Avila. The Avilas are a close-knit Hispanic family from the Houston and Austin areas. Many members of the family are curanderos/curanderas, which are Mexican/Latin healers who use folk remedies to help treat mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual illnesses. If your grandmother cut up onion and placed it around your bedroom when you were sick, then you kinda know what I mean! Bonus points if you also drank the onion juice!!

The Avilas also have the ability to "sense" things, and Julio and his mother, from the Fae Bloodlines series, can even see ghosts! This ability used to freak out Julio, but then he got used to it. It also ends up helping him in Fae Away and Fae Fractured!

Another huge part of the Avilas is their Catholic faith. In the Final Life Series you see this in the scene where Trent takes Dominique to Christmas Eve midnight mass. And, you see this in both series' because of the close relationship the family has with their local priests and nuns. Not to mention the crosses, the portraits of Jesus, and the pictures of the Last Supper displayed in the Avila homes.

In my family, we often had the same decor in our homes. Still do! And, we were very close to our church family and our priests. I even wanted to be a nun when I was little! lol Maybe I'll write about that one day! If I ever do, I’ll be sure to let you know!

To experience more of the Avila family, dive into these stories and see what I mean!

Get the Fae Bloodlines Series at

Get the Final Life Series at